Teodor Pistalu

  • Company: Deloitte
  • Position: Director
  • Remit/main activity: Audit & Assurance Technology Leader
  • Highest educational qualification: Master of Business Administration
  • Place of work: Zurich
  • No. of employees at place of work: 2000



What makes my work exciting?
Every day challenges of my clients and the diverse set of industries I am engaging in.

Why did I enter the profession?
To be better understand the business models of different industries and to contribute to building trust in our customers' businesses.

What challenges does my work present?
Always bring the best and most valuable solutions to my clients that are in line with the newest technologies.

How does my work benefit the economy?
Brings trust and assurance in the businesses that our clients run.

What is important to me in my client relationships?
Always be close to the client and continuously learn about their challenges.

What is currently important for my clients in our cooperation (keyword: coronavirus)?
Stabilization of the business and re-starting / driving up their operations.

How has the industry changed? What are the challenges of the future?
Move towards a more decentralized way of working supported by new technologies and remote ways of working. The future will require us to be even closer to our clients and run a more continuous dialogue with them through new ways of engagement.

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