Peter Meuli

  • Company: Controlla AG
  • Position: Partner
  • Remit/main activity: Auditing
  • Highest academic qualification: lic. oec. HSG, state-certified auditor
  • Years of professional experience: 18
  • Place of work: Frauenfeld
  • No. of employees at place of work: 12



What makes my work exciting?

  • Working with a variety of people. 
  • The pleasure of dealing with numbers and understanding complex interrelationships. 
  • Changes in the environment (regulatory and political). 
  • Training younger staff. 
  • Further development of Controlla AG as a company in the various relevant areas. 

Why did I enter the profession?
As a student, I represented our class sponsor PwC in the student body. Fascination with numbers. 

How does my work benefit the economy?

  • Correct reporting of annual financial statements and profit calculation, and thus also correct reporting of taxable profit in the SME sector. 
  • Recommendations for the more efficient design of business processes in the financial sector. 

What is important to me in my client relationships?

  • Open and honest communication 
  • Being aware of the problems and concerns of my clients. 

What is currently important for my clients in our cooperation (keyword: coronavirus)?

  • Support in the area of accounting and securing liquidity. 
  • Transparent communication regarding the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on business activities in 2020. 

How has the industry changed? What are the challenges for the future?
The industry has been heavily influenced by regulations in recent years. The quality of auditing has increased thanks to consistent further training.

When it comes to applying the regulations, the Federal Audit Oversight Authority (FAOA) may not compare an SME that has 20 employees with a listed company.
Young professionals must not be discouraged by the regulations and the supervisory authority’s ability to impose penalties. The auditing profession must be made more attractive.
Auditing is not just about checking documents. In the SME environment, auditors must also be able to provide advice to a certain extent, and must not be prevented from doing so by the regulations.

The “limited audit” product in connection with the opting-out must be critically examined and assessed to determine whether it is still appropriate. 

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