Olivier Gauderon

  • Company: KPMG AG
  • Position: Partner
  • Remit/main activity: Auditor
  • Highest educational qualification: Master – HEC Lausanne
  • Years of professional experience: 25
  • Place of work: Geneva
  • No. of employees at place of work: Approx. 300



What makes my work exciting?
The diversity of my activities and the constantly changing needs and expectations of the clients with whom I have the pleasure of working.  

Why did I enter the profession?
Extensive continuous education, varied tasks and the chance to work with many people, clients and colleagues. 

What challenges does my work present?
This technical and demanding profession encourages me to keep growing and finding solutions to the challenges we face. 

How does my work benefit the economy? 
A professional and independent view as a safeguard for compliance and the fulfilment of regulatory requirements in the financial sector. 

What is important to me in my client relationships? 
The exchange of opinions and ideas, a relationship based on trust and mutual respect, and the pleasure of being able to contribute, even modestly, to our clients’ activities. 

What is currently important for my clients in our cooperation (keyword: coronavirus)? 
The sharing of experiences and an independent perspective on the current challenges they face, as well as a high degree of availability. 

How has the industry changed? What are the challenges of the future? 
The evolution of our profession towards digitalisation and rationalisation, along with the need to keep adapting to new regulatory requirements, is essential for meeting the expectations placed on our profession and the needs of our clients in a constantly changing economic environment. 

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